Symposium I「Significance of Nutrition Therapy in Critical Care」
Joji Kotani (Division of Disaster and Emergency Medicine, Department of Surgery Related,Kobe University Graduate School of Medicine)
Sang-Jae Park (National Cancer Center, Korea)
「Caloric intake: Is it a Concern for Critically Ill Patients?」
Suk-Kyung Hong(Asan Medical Center)
「High and adequate protein for the critically ill; enough seems enough but what are the needs?」
Taku Oshima (Department of Emergency and Critical Care Medicine, Chiba University)
「Micronutrient: A case of YES or NO」
Mohammad Shukri Jahit (Senior Consultant Upper GI Surgeon, National Cancer Institute Putrajaya Malaysia)
「Immune Modulator and Nutritional Support in Critically ill Patients」
Pingping Jia (Beijing Shijitan Hospital, Capital Medical University, Beijing, China)