CVMW2022 心血管代謝週間

Translational Cardiology-from Bench to Bedside-

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CVMW2022 心血管代謝週間

Translational Cardiology-from Bench to Bedside-


株式会社サンプラネット メディカルコンベンション事業部

〒112-0012 東京都文京区大塚3-5-10 住友成泉小石川ビル6F

※ テレワーク実施中につき、お問い合わせはE-mailにてお願いいたします。


野村 征太郎(Department of Cardiovascular Medicine, The University of Tokyo Hospital)
木岡 秀隆【遠山先生代理にてご登壇】(Osaka University Graduate School of Medicine)
S1-ISHR-1 Elucidation of the pathogenic mechanism of Clinical Scenario 1 acute heart failure focusing on the cause of Takotsubo syndrome
尾上 健児 (Department of Cardiovascular Medicine, Nara Medical University)
S1-ISHR-2 Novel insight into the potential role of natriuretic peptides in energy metabolism regulation
名越 智古 (Division of Cardiology, Department of Internal Medicine, The Jikei University School of Medicine)
S1-ISHR-3 The role of DPP-4-GLP-1 pathway in heart failure-from Bench to Bedside-
松島 将士 (Department of Cardiovascular Medicine, Faculty of Medical Sciences, Kyushu University)
S1-ISHR-4 Identification of a Novel Causative Gene for Dilated Cardiomyopathy and Future Therapeutic Strategies.
木岡 秀隆 (Department of Cardiovascular Medicine, Osaka University Graduate School of Medicine)
0.13792991638184 秒